About The Book:
Author: Alice Gaines
Date: September 23, 2019
Publisher: Entangled Publishing, LLC
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 211
Adam Morrow is a self-made
millionaire. But one night with her could ruin everything…
I’ve worked my ass off for
what I have, and I’m damn proud of it. I started off with nothing and now I’m
filthy rich. Let me tell you, there’s nothing like revenge to help you get your
ass in gear. And that’s what I’m taking, with every exclusive resort I open—sweet, sweet revenge…on her.
Nicole Westmore was my
first love. The poor little rich girl stole my heart with her sweet smile, hot
body, and irresistible innocence. The summer I worked for her father was the
best time of my life…until
he drove me away. Even then, I thought Nicole would wait for me. She didn’t.
And so, I decided to get
even, opening rival hotels, slowly driving them out of business. The old man is
gone now, but Nicole is still running the company that’s about to collapse. All
my hard work will soon pay off.
And then I catch sight of
her at a wedding, and all those feelings come rushing back--for both of us.
Still, she doesn’t know what I’ve done—yet—and she seems more than willing.
What will one night in her bed hurt?
Now on to the interview!
Hey Alice! First I want to say
welcome to Two Chicks on Books I’m glad you could stop by for a chat! THE
REVENGE GAME sounds AWESOME and I can’t wait for everyone to read it!
For the readers:
can you tell us a little bit about the THE REVENGE GAME and the characters?
I absolutely adore these characters. Adam is a man who had to fight to get
anything in the world. Then, when he was
between college and business school, he fell in love with little, rich girl,
Nicole Westmore. When her father broke
them up, both of them felt the other had betrayed them. Adam vowed to take Maurice Westmore’s company
down. Only now, Maurice is dead and
Nicole is running the company.
Nicole knows she’s way over her head trying
to save her father’s company, but she’s not going to give up. She’s pretty sure her first love, Adam
Morrow, is behind the plot to ruin Westmore Hotels, so she has to confront him. Sure enough, all the old feelings surface,
and they become lovers again. The only
problem for their relationship: she’s
right. Adam’s also her enemy.
What are you
working on now?
I just finished the third book in this
series, Players’ Pact. Adam is one of
three very wealthy men who’ve given up on love but plan to enjoy themselves
with willing partners whenever they can.
The second book is about Grant Howard, a star NFL quarterback. The third book is about Ryan Stewart, the
country’s leading sports doctor with his own television program, and a woman he
thought was going to be a one-night stand.
Were any of the
characters in the book inspired by people from your real life?
They all came out of my imagination.
Who was your
favorite character to write? What about your least favorite?
I loved the main characters, but I have to
say the evil stepmother was the most fun to write. One of Nicole’s stepmothers is Adam’s partner
in the plot to take down Nicole’s company.
Vivian is an older woman but very beautiful, and she’s after Adam’s
body. As Adam puts it, she has “the
personality of a viper.”
Small part characters are difficult to write
because you have to be careful they don’t take over the story. I named one after my husband, and he was
Harold once and Hal another time.
What is your favorite
passages/scenes in THE REVENGE GAME?
When Nicole learns that Adam has been in
touch with her hated stepmother, Vivian.
His phone rings, and the name Vivian comes up. Nicole agonizes for a few seconds before she
answers and listens. She’s heartbroken
that her suspicions about Adam have been true—that he’s behind the plot to ruin her company. It’s especially hurtful because they’ve just had a
very intense lovemaking encounter.
What kind of
research did you have to do for the story?
I didn’t do research per se. I did spend four hours with a critique
partner who helped me flesh out the entire plot before I started writing. I had to write the synopsis before I wrote
the book, so she was very helpful.
Who is your
ultimate book boyfriend?
Mr. Rochester of Jane Eyre. Sigh.
What inspired you
to write romance?
All my life I’ve made up stories in my
head. I didn’t realize it at the time,
but they were all romances with happy endings.
I have to confess I was too lazy to try to write a book until I got my
first computer. Then, I figured I’d give
it a shot. Romance Writers of America
had its national conference near my home that year, and I’ve been writing
romance ever since.
Lightning Round
What are you
reading right now? Or what do you have on your TBR that you’re dying to read?
Oh, God, I’m such a nerd. I’m reading a collection of essays on Race
and IQ edited by Ashley Montagu.
What Hogwarts
House would the Sorting Hat place you in?
I adore snakes. I have a pet corn
snake. Plus, I loved Alan Rickman in
absolutely every movie he was in.
Twitter or
Wonder Woman
Favorite TV show?
Does Downton Abbey count?
Sweet or Salty?
Any Phobias?
No ziplining for this woman.
Song you can’t get
enough of right now?
“Stop” from Tower of Power’s album, The Soul
Side of Town. Soooo funky.
Fall/winter 2019 Movie
you’re most looking forward to?
Downton Abbey
Thanks so much Alice for answering my questions! I can’t wait for
everyone to read THE REVENGE GAME!
About Alice:

You can write to Alice at authoralicegaines@gmail.com. You can see
information about new releases at www.alicegaines.blogspot.com. Sign up for her
newsletter. From time to time, she raffles off her handcrafted items to her
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