This year's event is even more packed full of awesome than last year's event, with 166 authors on tour throughout the month of August. We're super excited to welcome back many of last year's favorites and get a chance to put a number of new participants in the spotlight.
The tour will officially begin in three hours where we'll be hosting the first of our authors - Rachel Vincent (at Fiktshun), Page Morgan (at Two Chicks on Books) and Andrea Cremer (at Magical Urban Fantasy Reads).
As these three authors are some of our very most favorites, we are incredibly honored to be able to host them on our blogs and share with our readers just why we think they're rockstars.
When we kicked off the event last year we had just 96 participating authors, but by the tour's end we had 102. So it's still possible that there may be some new adds along the way again this year.
Most days will have either five or six authors being hosted. Some days even have seven. Only the first and last days of the month will spotlight just three authors on our blogs.
If you'd like to check out the full schedule, CLICK HERE or click the button in the sidebar.
The month will feature some amazing guest posts and interviews by the rockstar authors on tour. Some blog hosts will even be sharing reviews along with their posts. There are also a number of awesome giveaways being hosted thanks to the authors, publishers or blog hosts. So you won't want to miss any of the stops on tour this month.
At every stop the blog host will be talking a little bit about why they think their author is a rockstar and we can't wait to find out just what they have to say. While we get a chance to peek at most of the authors' posts, what the bloggers say will be a complete surprise.
Once again the generosity of the amazing team at Harlequin Teen is astounding. And we cannot thank them enough for supporting every single one of their authors on this tour.
We are also so very grateful to each of the authors who have donated their time to be a part of this event. Without them we wouldn't even have an event. And we want to give an extra thanks to those who have offered up something for giveaway as it is above and beyond anything we'd asked for.
And last, but definitely not least, we want to thank the bloggers who will be hosting the authors throughout the month. Their participation in this event is an integral part of why this is such a success and we are so very honored that they've signed up to be a part of our tour.
But in order to kick this event off right we are once again hosting a few month-long giveaways. This year, however, we've decided to host each of the giveaways on our respective sites. So if you want to enter to win what's up for grabs by Fiktshun and Magical Urban Fantasy Reads, you'll have to check out their kick-off posts.
But to give just a tease of what Rachel at Fiktshun is offering, think signed books and Authors Are Rockstars swag. You can check out her giveaway, HERE.
Mindy of Magical Urban Fantasy Reads also has some amazing ARCs for giveaway. To check out what she has up for grabs, CLICK HERE.
And if you want to know what I have for giveaway... well... just keep scrolling down for the deets.
Thank you so much for stopping by to help kick off the 2nd Annual Authors Are Rockstars Tour. If you're looking to check out the first three authors on tour be sure to come back at Midnight, Pacific!

A Box of late summer/early fall 2013 ARC's. US ONLY
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I'm really looking forward to Wendy Higgins' and Susan Dennard's Rockstar posts! I love them both!
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to Jennifer L. Armentrout's and Sarah J. Maas!
ReplyDeleteAnnie :)
Can I just list them off?
ReplyDeleteAndrea Cremer
Rachel Vincent
Page Morgan
Katie McGarry
Jessica Spotswood
Dan Wells
Robin LaFevers' and Anna Banks' posts! Thanks for the amazing giveaway :D
ReplyDeleteRabiah (name on Rafflecopter)
If I have to choose only one, I'd say that I'm looking forward to Rachel Vincent's post the most because she just ended the Soul Screamers series, and I'm hoping that I'll get to hear more from her characters!
ReplyDeleteToo many... Josephine Angelini, Cynthia Hand, Amy Tintera and so many more!
ReplyDeleteI am so excited for this event, and am a lucky participant! I can't wait to see posts on Simone Elkeles, Katie McGarry, Andrea Cremer, Victoria Scott, Lisa Desrochers, Lauren Oliver, Anne Aguirre, Jennifer Armentrout, Trisha Wolfe, Becca Fitzpartick, Kami Garcia, and Miranda Keneally.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to Rachel Vincent's the most- but I was just able to read it a few minutes ago, and I'm so stoked for her upcoming books! :)
ReplyDeleteThere are so many great ones!!!! Josephine Angelini, Cynthia Hand, Jennifer Armentrout, Leigh Fallon, Dawn Metcalf, Amanda Hocking, Becca Fitzpatrick, Jodi Meadows, Aimee Carter..... SO MANY!!!
ReplyDeleteOh there are a few but Suzanne Young
ReplyDeleteI'm having such a brain fart... the only one that I can think of right now is Seanan Mcguire's latest October Daye series :)
ReplyDeleteI'm really excited to follow along with the tour and read ALL about all of these amazing authors!
ReplyDeleteThere are way too many to pick just one, but I really loved Josin McQuein's ARCLIGHT, so I'm definitely looking forward to her!
ReplyDeleteRachel Caine & Lauren Miller
ReplyDeleteI'm really excited for Robin LaFever! Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for when Katherine Longshore stops at A Glass of Wine!
ReplyDeleteTahereh Mafi, Amy Tintera, Jennifer Rush, Becca Fitzpatrick, Cynthia Hand, Kasie West, Suzanne Young, Erin Bowman, Jennifer L. Armentrout, Lauren Oliver. Really I could go on & on. Such wonderful authors. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely Tahereh Mafi, I adore her, and love her books.
ReplyDeleteTo many to choose from. Thanks for the giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI am most looking forward to Jennifer L. Armentrout!
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to Andrea Cremer - I saw her at YALLFest and was impressed with her.
ReplyDeleteI know that I'm definitely looking forward to Andrea Cremer, Rachel Vincent, and Katie McGarry. They are some of my top favorites and I just love, but then again I love ALL of the other authors pretty much. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to all of them! Especially Katie McGarry and Kasie West!!
ReplyDeleteI honestly look forward to everyone's :)
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to all of them!!! This is so awesome that both the bloggers and authors are taking the time for us to delve into their world. Plus, it's so nice that you all are posting up giveaways too!
ReplyDeleteKatie McGarry
ReplyDeleteI looking forward to a lot of them Chloe Neill's, Jennifer L. Armentrout, Gena Showalter just to name a few.
ReplyDeleteRachel Vincent
ReplyDeleteChloe Neill
Becca Fitzpatrick
Jennifer Echols
Gena Showalter
Jennifer L. Armentrout
Simone Elkeles
ALL THE AUTHORS. But more Jennifer Echols and Joelle Charbonneau I think :)
ReplyDeleteToo many to look forward to; but if I had to choose I'd say Aimee Carter.
ReplyDeleteI will have to say all of them! I love seeing more about all of them.
ReplyDeleteLauren Millers!
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to so many stops. I can't wait for the Sarah J Maas, Amy Tintera, Wendy Higgins, Jennifer Armentrout and so many more :)!!!
ReplyDeleteSo many but Katie McGarry and Sarah Maas are at the top!
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to all of them! There so many wonderful authors participating! :D
ReplyDeleteSo many amazing authors and books! Gimme!
ReplyDeleteI am excited about so many of the authors on this tour to name a couple Jennifer L. Armentrout,Tahereh Mafi, Maria V. Snyder..........:)
ReplyDeleteSo many. I guess if I had to pick just one I would say Gayle Forman.
ReplyDeleteI've definitely looking forward to Jennifer Echols' Rockstar post. :D
ReplyDeleteCynthia Hand and Becca Fitzpatrick
ReplyDeleteLeigh Bardugo!
ReplyDeleteToo many to mention but I'll name a few. I'm looking forward for the posts of Tahereh Mafi, Erin Bowman, Cat Winters, Kristen Simmons, Melissa de la Cruz, Cynthia Hand, and Leigh Bardugo.
ReplyDeleteAh man, fall is going to be a busy season indeed.
ReplyDeleteThere's so many! One of the ones I'm looking forward to the most is Leigh Bardugo. I'm currently reading Siege and Storm, and I'm loving it. :)
ReplyDeleteSo many! But especially Cat Winters, Cynthia Hand, Kasie West, Sarah J. Maas, Victoria Schwab, Jessica Brody, Tahereh Mafi, Veronica Rossi, Leigh Bardugo and Rae Carson!
ReplyDeleteTahereh Mafi & Sarah J. Maas... But really, there are SOO many others!
ReplyDeleteThere are so many incredible authors I'm having a hard time naming just one.....or ten!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com
C.J Rewine definitely!!
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with (brookea_2006) I definitely want to know what's coming out for both those authors too! :)
ReplyDeleteThere are so many awesome authors being hosted this month! The top three I'm looking forward to are Jennifer L. Armentrout, Melissa de la Cruz, and Tahereh Mafi!
ReplyDeleteAll of them really, but Tahereh Mafi and Cat Winters are among the top! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThey are all amazing but I'm really excited for Sarah J Maas and Leigh Bardugo.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway!
Can I say all of them? So many great authors!
ReplyDeleteSo many! Some that I really can't wait for are Rae Carson, Katie McGarry, Wendy Higgins, Leigh Bardugo, Sarah Ockler, Jennifer Echols, Kasie West, Elizabeth Norris, Myra McEntire, Kristen Simmons, Gayle Forman, Tahereh Mafi, Jessi Kirby, Veronica Rossi. And that's just a shortened list! lol :)
ReplyDeleteAll of them, but I love the ones mentioned above! :-)
ReplyDeleteAll of them! I love to read!!!
ReplyDeleteI really cant choose just ONE!!!! That's not even possible!!! I'm looking forward to them ALL!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for all of them!
ReplyDeleteAll of them or mostly C.C Hunter! Love her series!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to Rae Carson's! Really want to read her Fire and Thorns series!
ReplyDeleteMuch like when someone asks me what my favorite book is, I can't pick just one! There are so many amazing authors on this tour.
ReplyDeleteMs. Mafi.....I LOVE her!