WOW! Has the year flown by or what? I can't believe we're ready for another fun filled week where we look back at some of the best of all things books of 2012 and what books we're looking forward to in 2013. Last year was a blast co-hosting the event with some of my favorite fellow bloggers - Jessica from Confessions of a Bookaholic, Rachel from Fiktshun, Jaime from Two Chicks on Books and this year were excited to have Mindy from Magical Urban Fantasy Reads join us in co-hosting this year.
The event runs for five consecutive days, the last week of the year. Five days of some of our favorite lists and we invite ALL of YOU to join in on the fun and share your lists with everyone too!
Each day of the event we hope you'll visit one of the hosting blogs and share your list with the Linky that will be provided. Just be sure you follow which lists goes on which day. Speaking of... here's what we're doing for this years event -
Monday, December 24th - Best Books I've Read in 2012 (Doesn't have to be released in 2012, just a book you've read in 2012)
Tuesday, December 25th - Best Book Covers of 2012 (MUST be a book released in 2012. Would be best if it's a book you've READ in 2012, but it's not required)
Wednesday, December 26th - Best ________ Of 2012 (Readers/Bloggers choice. Please fill in the blank with ONE of these topics - Villains, Contemporaries, Dual POV's, Novellas, Adult titles, New Adult titles, Love Triangles, Couples, Bad Boys or Debuts. REMEMBER - this list MUST be from books you've READ in 2012)
Thursday, December 27th - Best Book Boyfriends of 2012 (MUST be from a book released in 2012 and from a book you've READ in 2012)
Friday, December 28th - Top 10 Books I'm looking forward to in 2013. (This list should be comprised of books released ONLY in 2013)
How you do these posts/lists is totally up to you. What books, covers and characters you pick are all your own.
The only rules to follow are posting the topics on the dates we've provided.
Now, I know what you're all thinking. That this will be hard to keep to 10. Some of you might like to break the lists up a bit. Working with a Top 10 for YA books and then a Top 10 for Adult titles. Feel free to add honorable mentions if you're also having a hard time sticking to 10. However, with the honorable mentions, please try to keep it to a minimum or it kind of defeats the whole purpose of things.
Our main focus of this event is for YOU to join in and share your lists with us all and for everyone to visit each others blogs' and see what books have made it on THEIR lists.
The event is simple. Follow the dates and list topics as provided and fill out the linky below. This gives us an idea who will be joining us for the Top 10 week. THEN, be sure to come back to one of our blogs on each of the five days and link up your post for that specific day! Just remember, each day will have a linky for THAT Top 10 topic.
Also, you don't want to miss a day during the event. We just might have some giveaways up our sleeves and joining in the event, keeping up with our and everyone lists just might help you enter to win! Additional giveaway details to follow, so keep checking back to find out what we're giving away and when!
And don't forget to snag our button and to help spread the word for the event. We'd love to have anyone and everyone join us this year. The more the merrier!

NOTE: this is the SAME Linky on each of the Co-Hosts Blogs, so please only enter your Name, Blog Name and URL on one blog. Thanks!
Be sure to take the button provided for the event and display it on your blog and link it back to this post so anyone who wants to find out more info about the event easily knows how to find us.
We hope everyone who reads this will be as excited for this event as we are and we can't wait to check out all of your lists!
This sounds so fun!!! It's going to be hard to choose some of these lists.