
Monday, July 22, 2019

Blog Tour- UNDER HER WINGS by Anne Marie Citro With An Interview & Giveaway!

I am stoked to be hosting a stop on the blog tour for UNDER HER WINGS by Anne Marie Citro! I have an excerpt to share with you today check it out and enter to win the giveaway below!

About The Book:

Title: UNDER HER WINGS (Sistas #1)
Author: Anne Marie Citro
Pub. Date: August 1, 2016
Publisher: Anne Marie Citro
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 440
Find it: GoodreadsAmazonB&NiBooksKoboTBD

Under Her Wings

Wishing for death while living through hell, Gabriella is rescued off the rocks of a Scottish loch at the lowest moment of her life by the hot, humorous Edward and the sexy, staid Liam. The two men nurse the despondent woman back to health while teaching her how to pick up the pieces of her life. Both are captivated by her and vie for her attention.

Friendships are formed and secrets revealed. One man will become her lover, while the other becomes her best friend. Together, they have a past they cannot change, a present they must live through, and a future yet to be discovered. However, every time things appear to settle down for the trio, fate deals another blow, testing their trust and faith in each other and the love they have created.

Gabriella discovers the beauty of Scotland and life anew as she learns that trust is a two-way street that can either strengthen bonds or destroy relationships. Will she accept all that she learns or continue to believe she is betraying the memories she ran from? 

Now on to the interview!

Hey Anne! First I want to say welcome to Two Chicks on Books I’m glad you could stop by for a chat! UNDER HER WINGS sounds AWESOME and I can’t wait for everyone to read it!

Dear Two Chicks,
Thank you so much for featuring my book on your blog. You have no idea how much you help independent authors like me get the word out about our books. You work so hard to make us look good and get very little credit. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

For the readers: can you tell us a little bit about UNDER HER WINGS and the characters?

I love these characters and their story. It was something that was rattling around in my head for years. I wrote Under Her Wings secretly after most of my son’s moved away from home. I have four sons and it broke my heart when they left. I used to teach special needs teenagers before I left to write full time and finished school at 2:30. My husband works long hours and I had too many alone hours to fill. So, I wrote it, pouring my soul into the characters and when I finished, I finally told my husband. I thought he would tease me but instead he made me read it to him, and he loved it, encouraging me to publish it. Under Her Wings begins with three broken souls that learn to trust and love again.

What are you working on now?

Currently I’m writing a series on four friends that get caught up in “The Troubles” in Ireland during the 80’s. Something happens and three are forced to emigrate and one is left behind. Thirty years later the family learns how much strength and courage it takes to emigrate to a new country all alone. The father’s past comes back to haunt the children, but love prevails.  I just arrived home from two weeks in Ireland doing research and vacationing. I talked to so many locals that lived in those times and got some great stories lines for the series.  

Were any of the characters in the book inspired by people from your real life?

The main character Gabriella was inspired by a woman I knew. She was a single parent who had two daughters one with extreme special needs. Her children were her whole reason for living. Sadly, she lost both. It broke my heart and I just couldn’t understand how someone could survive as such an incredible loss. I lost contact with the woman when she disappeared for a while. Gabriella’s story was my way of giving another woman who had lost everything a second chance at happiness and love.

Who was your favorite character to write? What about your least favorite?

My favorite character was Liam. He was a great guy who couldn’t forgive himself for the past. He was always looking after everyone else but didn’t think he deserved the same treatment. He was humble and kind and it didn’t hurt that he was sexy as hell.
Edward was my least favorite character but not for reasons you might think. I love him but he was the first character that bullied me in my writing. I wrote a chapter and was quite happy with it, that night I had a dream he hated it. He thought it should be written another way. Edward said he would never do what I wrote. He wouldn’t give up. The next day I tried to start the next chapter, but his constant nagging in my head drove me crazy. I rewrote the chapter to shut him down. I compared both chapters and I hate to admit it, but he was right. And because of that he was the bane of my existence through the whole series. His opinions only got stronger throughout the series. He is the character that I love and want to punch in the mouth at the same time.  

What is your favorite passages/scenes in UNDER HER WINGS?

My absolute favorite chapter from beginning to end is the chapter about the healing stones. I saw a picture of stones with words on them and my mind took off. I learned a lot about myself and my characters when I wrote that chapter. I still tear up every time reread it. I wish I had thought of it when my husband and I fought. It might have saved me a lot of sleepless nights and his sanity.  

What kind of research did you have to do for the story?

The book takes place in Scotland. I had visited Scotland and fell in love with the Island of Skye. I had to do a lot of research to understand the different levels of the British Military and because I don’t follow the British Royal family, I had research them. Actually, almost every chapter I had to research. Truth be told I love research!

Who is your ultimate book boyfriend?

I probably shouldn’t use one of my own characters, but I’m going to because I love him. Ryder is a very tormented man that looks exactly like Jason Momoa. He is the main character in my second book of this series. He learns the most out of any of my characters. You can teach a grumpy dog new tricks, but you can’t remove his attitude. I had a reviewer tell me she couldn’t review my book. I asked her for feedback. She said she absolutely hated Ryder and couldn’t get past the first chapter. I thanked her because my job was done, you aren’t supposed to like him at the beginning. But you’ll fall in love with him by the end. I took it as a compliment. It took a group of special needs teenagers and his love interest to teach him the most important lessons in life. 

What inspired you to write romance?

Plain and simple my husband. I have been blessed with a man who has treated me like I’m the most important person in his world. I couldn’t live a minute without him. He’s rough and tough at work but an absolute teddy bear at home. I met him and was engaged three months later. A year later at twenty I was married.  Thirty-three years later I love him more than the day I married him.

I notice you have recipes for some of your books on your website. What is your favorite and what inspired you to add the recipes?

I love to cook but pasta in any form is my favorite. I’m half Italian and half Irish. When my kids were young, I never sat down at dinner with less than ten people. I was in my glory. Everywhere my husband and I travel, we take cooking classes. In the last book of Savage’s Buck and Doe series I had to include our last chef from Tuscany. I have never met a man more passionate about the culinary arts. I asked him if I could write him in one of my books. He said no . . . (my heart stopped) he continued to say No I’d be honored. I will be featuring him in book four of the series and his recipe will be posted on my website in the fall. BTW check out my website It’s proof you can teach an old dog new tricks. I had a university kid teach me how to create a website and now I’ve run wild with it. It is a true representation of me, my travels, the music I love, and the food I cook.

Lightning Round Questions

What are you reading right now? Or what do you have on your TBR that you’re dying to read?

El Diablo by M. Robinson

What Hogwarts House would the Sorting Hat place you in?

Harry Potter isn’t a romance I’ve never read it.

Twitter or Facebook?

Neither I suck at social media but the odd time I look at Instagram.

Favorite Superhero?

Aqua Man because Jason Momoa plays the character.

Favorite TV show?

Anything on HGTV more specifically Fixer Upper. Love Joanna and Chip!

Sweet or Salty?

100% Sweet

Any Phobias?

YES! Books that get you hooked and then you have to buy two more for the complete story. I want a beginning, middle and end for my money. If that happens, no matter how much I like the author or the story, I won’t read any more books by that author.

Song you can’t get enough of right now?

Anything Old Dominion sings. I feel like I could write a book about every song they write.

2019 Movie you’re most looking forward to?

Not a big movie watcher but I couldn’t wait to see Bohemian Rhapsody. I saw it four times. Huge Queen fan.

Thanks so much Anne for answering my questions! I can’t wait for everyone to read UNDER HER WINGS!

About Anne:
I was born and raised in the Greater Toronto Area of Ontario, Canada. I grew up surrounded by a large, loving family, and I am married to a wonderfully patient man.

He is the love of my life.

We have four very cool sons that I love and adore! The girls they have brought into our family that have become daughters of my heart. I have also been blessed with a beautiful granddaughter, of course, after raising four boys...

I have my own personal gaggle of girlfriends, who enrich my life on a daily basis and make me laugh until I cry. Caesar Friday is my favorite day of the week; that's Caesars with the girls and date night with the hubby. 

I love the arts and have tried my hand at painting, wood sculpting, chainsaw carving, wood burning, metal and wire sculptures. Yes, my husband is a very patient man! I am an avid reader, burning through about three books per week.

But nothing makes me happier than riding on the back of my husband's Harley and throwing my arms out and feeling the wind race by. We work very hard, so we can take a few weeks every year to travel to spectacular destinations around the world.

I worked with the most incredible group of special-needs teenagers, and they taught me how to appreciate life and see it through gentler eyes. My husband has encouraged me to follow my lifelong dream of being a writer. I've really fallen in love with the characters that take over my imagination and haunt my dreams.

I am so excited for this new journey and can't wait to see what the next chapter holds for me in life.

Giveaway Details:
One lucky winner will receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card, International.

Tour Schedule:
Week One:
7/15/2019- Lisa Loves Literature- Spotlight

7/16/2019- Dena Garson-Real... Hot... Romance- Spotlight
7/16/2019- Jaime's World- Excerpt

7/17/2019- BookHounds- Interview
7/17/2019- A Dream Within A Dream- Excerpt

7/18/2019- The Tired Buyer- Guest Post
7/18/2019- Random Bookish Banter- Review

7/19/2019- PopTheButterfly Reads- Spotlight
7/19/2019- Books a Plenty Book Reviews- Guest Post

Week Two:
7/22/2019- A Gingerly Review- Review
7/22/2019- Two Chicks on Books- Interview

7/23/2019- Colorimetry- Excerpt
7/23/2019- Smada's Book Smack- Spotlight

7/24/2019- Good Choice Reading- Spotlight

7/25/2019- Parajunkee- Spotlight

7/26/2019- Book Briefs- Review

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