
Thursday, August 3, 2017

Blog Tour: SPARKS OF LIGHT by Janet B. Taylor An Excerpt & Giveaway!

Hey everyone! I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the blog tour for SPARKS OF LIGHT by Janet B. Taylor! I freaking love this series and book 2 was just as amazing as book 1!

I have an interview with Alexandra to share with you today! And make sure to enter the giveaway below!

Haven't heard of SPARKS OF LIGHT? Check it out!

Author: Janet B. Taylor
Pub. Date: August 1, 2017
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
Pages: 448
Formats: Hardcover, eBook
For the first time in her life, Hope Walton has friends . . . and a (maybe) boyfriend. She’s a Viator, a member of a long line of time-traveling ancestors. When the Viators learn of a plan to steal a dangerous device from the inventor Nikola Tesla, only a race into the past can save the natural timeline from utter destruction. Navigating the glitterati of The Gilded Age in 1895 New York City, Hope and her crew will discover that high society can be as deadly as it is beautiful. 

Book Trailer Courtesy of The YA Book Traveler

Now on to the excerpt!

We turned to each other, then. He raised my hands to his lips. One after the other, he placed a soft kiss in the center of each palm. I shivered as I squeezed my fists shut, trying to hold on to those kisses.

“You know,” he said in a musing tone. “If you weren’t leaving in six minutes and twenty-two seconds, and if we lived in the age where all this” he waved a hand at the field of contestants and spectatorswas real. Back when men were men and all that. Id simply heave you over my shoulder and carry you off into yonder meadow over there.”

“Ha! I’d just kick you in the kilt and run away.” I was grinning, though my face went red at the images his statement produced.

He threw his head back and laughed up at the blue, blue sky. “Yes. You would, wouldn’t you?”

“So, um, six minutes and twenty-two seconds, huh?”

He nodded. “Six minutes, eight seconds now. But who’s counting?”

Our faces were very close. My lips tingled as they remembered the feel of his mouth on mine. I think I must’ve sighed, or groaned, or made some other kind of embarrassing noise. Because his eyes went all smoky, and he chuckled low in his throat. The sound went through my chest and settled shivery and low in my belly. All my attention sharpened on his mouth as his hands came up to cradle my face. He held me there, so close I could feel the heat of his sun-warmed skin on my lips. My eyes closed as I leaned in to close that minuscule distance.

Collum coughed loudly as he and Doug passed by, canvas-wrapped tent poles suspended between them.

Bran broke away and pulled me to my feet. His voice low, urgent, he said, “I know I can’t talk you into staying, but please, please be careful. Promise me?”

“You too.” As he let go of my hand and backed away, my chest constricted. And it felt as though some giant vacuum had suddenly appeared in the sky to suck away all the oxygen in the open field around me.

Bran called to Mac. “Thank you for listening to me, sir.” Mac waved in acknowledgment, then got into the driver’s seat. He and Moira pulled away, back tires spinning up gravel.

“Well,” I said, “I’d better go.”

Bran nodded, wordless. We began to walk away in opposite directions. We did that a lot, it seemed.

Suddenly I heard the crunch of footsteps on the gravel behind me.

“Wait!” Bran called. “Wait . . . just wait one second.”

He towed me quickly back toward the long, stout table that had been in place since Moira’s grandmother was a girl. Reaching down, he withdrew his sgian dhub, the tiny but lethal knife all proper Highlanders wore, stuffed into the top of their right sock.

“Nearly forgot,” he said. “Can’t have that, now can we?”

His long neck bent to the task. Muscles in his lean shoulders flexed. Sun flashed on polished steel. It took only a moment. He straightened and drew me to his side as he brushed away the pale shavings that littered the top of the ancient table.

There we were. Our initials looked so new, so fragile, amid all the others that had weathered the years and decades together. But staring down at them, I also realized how bright we glowed against the aged wood.

BC + HW.

Instead of enclosed in a heart like all the others, Bran had wrapped us up together inside the shape of a small and perfect apple.

“You heard what Moira said.” His hand smoothed over my hair as he smiled down at me. “Now it’s forever.”

About Janet:
The 2013 winner of the coveted #PitchWars, Janet B Taylor, has four years' experience writing web content for a major television network fan site (CBS) that garners over a hundred thousand hits a day. Janet travels extensively to those places where her novels are set, often roaming around at night to commune with the famous historical figures about which she loves to write. She is a member of several writing organizations, including the SCBWI and the Historical Novel Society, and lives in a tiny town in Arkansas with her family.

Giveaway Details:

3 winners will receive a finished copy of SPARKS OF LIGHT, US only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule:
Week One:
7/24/2017- a GREAT readReview
7/25/2017- Lisa Loves LiteratureReview
7/26/2017- YA and WineGuest Post
7/27/2017- Ex LibrisReview
7/28/2017- Once Upon A TwilightInterview

Week Two:
7/31/2017- Seeing Double In NeverlandInterview
8/1/2017- Adventures of a Book Junkie- Interview
8/3/2017- Two Chicks on BooksExcerpt
8/4/2017- The Bucket ListReview

Grab book 1 in the series!


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