
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Blog Tour- REIGN OF SHADOWS by Sophie Jordan An Interview and Giveaway!

I am so excited to be hosting a spot on blog tour for REIGN OF SHADOWS by Sophie Jordan I FREAKING LOVED this book I honestly think this is her best YA book! I have an interview with Sophie to share with you today! And make sure to enter the awesome giveaway fora $50 Amazon GC and signed books! 

Haven't heard of REIGN OF SHADOWS? Check it out!

Author: Sophie Jordan
Pub. Date: February 9, 2016
Publisher: Harper Teen
Format: Hardcover, eBook, audiobook
Find it: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Goodreads
Seventeen years ago, an eclipse cloaked the kingdom of Relhok in perpetual darkness. In the chaos, an evil chancellor murdered the king and queen and seized their throne. Luna, Relhok’s lost princess, has been hiding in a tower ever since. Luna’s survival depends on the world believing she is dead.

But that doesn’t stop Luna from wanting more. When she meets Fowler, a mysterious archer braving the woods outside her tower, Luna is drawn to him despite the risk. When the tower is attacked, Luna and Fowler escape together. But this world of darkness is more treacherous than Luna ever realized.

With every threat stacked against them, Luna and Fowler find solace in each other. But with secrets still unspoken between them, falling in love might be their most dangerous journey yet.

With lush writing and a star–crossed romance, Reign of Shadows is Sophie Jordan at her best.

Now on to the interview!

Hi Sophie! First I want to say welcome back to Two Chicks on Books! I freaking LOVED REIGN OF SHADOWS and I know my readers will as well and am so happy that you could stop by for a visit!

For the readers: can you tell us a little bit about REIGN OF SHADOWS and the characters?

Sure! REIGN OF SHADOWS is an epic story told in the POVs of Luna (a lost princess) and Fowler (sexy badass archer). It's a dark and twisty fantasy full of adventure and romance (lots of smooch!), monsters, evil kings, bad guys. You name it, REIGN OF SHADOWS has it. :D

So book 2? Do we have a title yet? How about a cover?

Oh, wow... I haven't announced it yet, but it's not a secret. So ... sure, why not? I love the title for book 2! It's ......


As I was reading REIGN OF SHADOWS I felt like it was a loose retelling of Rapunzel was that the idea?

Well, there's a kernel of RAPUNZEL in the story ... mostly at the beginning. I love the whole notion of "girl-trapped-all-her-life-in-a-tower". I'm surprised at how many readers are identifying with the idea of it as retelling though. Mostly because I go so far off the rails from the Rapunzel fairy tale after the beginning. But, hm, maybe that's the idea of a retelling??? Taking a well-known fairy tale and driving it off the rails?

Who was your favorite character to write? What about your least favorite?

This book is "shared" between Luna and Fowler. I view it as their story, so I have to say they are each my favorite characters. I've never written a dual narrative in a young adult book and I loved it so much! As for my least favorite that award would have to go to the baddie - King Cullan.

What is your favorite passage/scene in REIGN OF SHADOWS?

Hm... there is a scene where Luna walks in on a naked Fowler. That was one of my favorite scenes!

What kind of research did you have to do for the story? 

I researched moles, believe it or not. Since they're underground creatures like my "monsters", I researched their habits and how it is they survive/operate underground.

What are you reading right now?

Right now I'm reading THE HATING GAME by Sally Thorne and it's unbelievably good.

Who is your ultimate Book Boyfriend?

Hm. Off the top of my head? Jay from Kimberly Derting's THE BODY FINDER.

Lightening Round Questions

Twitter or Facebook?


Favorite Superhero?

Daredevil -- if you read REIGN OF SHADOWS, you'll get why!

Favorite TV shows?

Modern Family
Sense 8
The Walking Dead

Sweet or Salty?


Any Phobias?

Can't touch velvet!

Song you can’t get enough of right now?

Anything by Twenty-One Pilots

Upcoming Movie you’re most looking forward to?

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

Thanks so much Sophie for answering my questions!

Thank you!! xoxoxo

About Sophie
Sophie Jordan grew up in the Texas hill country where she wove fantasies of dragons, warriors, and princesses. A former high school English teacher, she's also the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of Avon historical romances. She now lives in Houston with her family. When she's not writing, she spends her time overloading on caffeine (lattes and Diet cherry Coke preferred), talking plotlines with anyone who will listen (including her kids), and cramming her DVR with true-crime and reality-TV shows. Sophie also writes paranormal romances under the name Sharie Kohler.

Giveaway Details:

1 winner will receive a $50 Amazon GC and signed copies of REIGN OF SHADOWS, FIRLELIGHT, & UNINVITED, US Only

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule:

Week One:
2/1/2016- Supernatural Snark- Interview
2/2/2016- Good Choice Reading - Excerpt
 2/3/2016- Seeing Double In NeverlandReview
2/4/2016- NightlyReadingReview
2/5/2016- FangirlishInterview

Week Two:
2/8/2016- Dark Faerie TalesExcerpt
2/9/2016- Unabridged BookshelfReview
2/10/2016- BibliojunkiesReview
2/11/2016- Two Chicks on Books- Interview
2/12/2016- FiktshunReview

1 comment:

  1. I would love win/read these books! And I think it's funny that she can't touch velvet. LOL Thanks for the chance! :)


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