
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday (73)- Ten Things About Me

Hi thanks for stopping by!!! And welcome to my Top 10 Tuesday post! 

Thanks to the lovely ladies at The Broke And The Bookish for creating this weekly meme!

Here's this week's topic.

July 12: Ten Facts About Me (bookish or just general about you facts or ten facts about you as a blogger...whatever you want)

I think I'll do a mix of bookish and general stuff!

1. I really don't like talking about myself. I'm not shy but I just don't don't like to talk about myself for some reason. I think I'm pretty boring.


2. I hate contemporary books. I much prefer books that take me away from normal life.


3. On that note on books I also hate reading eBooks. What can I say? I'm old school, I prefer to turn a books pages and feel the pages in my fingers. Not to mention I read physical books faster.


4. I am allergic to mushrooms. And thank goodness I hate them too. I even think they're gross to look at so I prefer to look at these mushrooms lol


5. I am a tomboy. I hate dressing up. I hate pink and girly things. I prefer jeans and a t-shirt and a ball cap to dresses.


6. I am a huge sports fan. If you follow me on twitter you might know this as I sometimes cuss a lot during certain sporting events lol.





7.  I have recently become obsessed with LuLaRoe Leggings. Like seriously obsesses!


8. I may work in publishing but did you know I also own my own business? I sell Perfectly Posh Skincare Products

9.  I'm almost 40 (next month) and have never been married and don't have kids. By my choice. I never wanted kids so I didn't feel the need to rush to get married I plan on waiting for that 1 perfect guy and if it doesn't happen till I'm 60 so be it. I did almost get married once, I almost eloped with an ex good thing that didn't happen.


10. I used to love social media but now I cringe every time I go to Twitter and Facebook. When I first started social media was a fun place to meet new people and catch up with old friends but, now it's constant complaining, fighting, political crap... just drama every day and if it weren't for work and all of my bookish friends I might have deleted my accounts. 


So what about you? What are some of your favorite underrated books? And check back next week for my Top Ten Books Set Outside The US ! 



  1. I love this prompt as it's lovely to get to know people behind the blogs!

  2. Another mushroom hater!
    I'm the opposite with ebooks. I love my ereader because it means I can read one handed. I read an ebook over twice as fast as I do print books.
    And I love your view on marriage. I think a lot of people end up in bad relationships because they would rather be with someone (anyone!) than be alone which is silly. Great list :)

  3. Girl, I feel you on the marriage and kids thing. I don't feel the need to do it...I also just became a fan of UFC last year, I don't get to watch it as much as I'd like to, but it's very entertaining! Great Top Ten! :D
    My Top Ten Tuesday!

  4. I feel you on the kids thing, I've never really liked kids, though I'm only 19 so it is possible I'll change my mind, not likely but possible.
    My TTT:

  5. I do not lie to read contemporary books either. Sometimes I do , is like my body s asking for it once in a while.
    I do not like reading in the kindle. I only read if I have a review to make. I refer books.
    Dude! I love to go on Facebook and see people's drama. It entertains me hahahaha
    My TTT.

  6. I've really liked the topic this week. Leanring so many new things about everyone.
    Good for you, knowing who you are and what you want. Who says that at 40 you should be married with kids!
    I hardly ever write posts about myself because I think I'm really boring too! Like, who wants to here about me walking my dog or doing the weekly food shop?!!
    I used to HATE mushrooms, but then people started sneaking them into my food and it turns out that I actually like them. Now I'm obsessed with them and my mum actually has to limit how much I eat them! Haha
    Thanks for sharing, I assure you, you weren't boring at all! :)

  7. Lovely list this week Jaime :D I loved getting to know you a bit more. <3 All the hugs. You are awesome :) Thank you so much for sharing.

  8. I totally feel you on number 5. :)
    Check out my TTT.


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