
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday (66)- Ten Books I Feel Differently About After Time Has Passed

Hi thanks for stopping by!!! And welcome to my Top 10 Tuesday post! 

Thanks to the lovely ladies at The Broke And The Bookish for creating this weekly meme!

Here's this week's topic.

May 24:  Ten Books I Feel Differently About After Time Has Passed (less love, more love, complicated feelings, indifference, thought it was great in a genre until you became more well read in that genre etc.)

This is probably going to end up being mostly books I don't like but I'm hoping to add a few that I ended up liking more too. But that might be hard since books I don't like usually stay that way.

1. RED QUEEN by Victoria Aveyard. When I first read this one I really loved it but as time passed I realized it was just ok and I hated the sequel.

2. THE FORBIDDEN WISH by Jessica Khoury. While I rated this one 3 stars because I actually finished the book now I really wish that I hadn't. I really didn't like this book.

3. GLASS SWORD by Victoria Aveyard. I rated this higher when I finished it but after a week or so I realized how much I hated this one. I really wish I would have DNF'd this one too.

4. THE IMPOSTOR QUEEN by Sarah Fine. When I read this I loved it but as time has passed it's become just an ok book to me and I don't even know if I'll pick up the sequel.

5. The whole TWILIGHT SERIES. Ok don't hate on me for this let me explain. I will always be appreciative for this series for getting me back into reading and also getting me to read YA books. But honestly this series isn't that great. I loved it when I read it but, after reading so many other YA books that were awesome I now know that the writing was just mediocre.

6. ILLUMINAE by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman. When I read this some things really pissed me off about it like all the uses of quotes or phrases from movies but the more distance I put between myself and the book I started to really love it! I gave this one 4 stars but am seriously considering upping it to a 5.

7. HALF BAD by Sally Green. I rated this a 3 but now that I think on it this book really sucked.

8. THE WINNERS CURSE by Marie Rutkoski. I DNF'd this book the first time I read it but a few friends kept pushing me to pick it back up. I ended up liking it at the time but now that I think about it I wish I never would have picked it back up. I am just not a fan of this authors writing style I DNF'd all of her other books that I tried.

9. SHADES OF EARTH by Beth Revis. It's been years since I've thought about this book! When I read it I rated it a 5 but now that I think on it, that book really pissed me off it wasn't a good finale. So yeah had to add this one.

10. TIGER LILY by Jodi Lynn Anderson. My god what was I thinking rating this 3 stars???? Man I freaking hate this book! I guess my hatred has grown over the years for it.

So what about you? What are some of your go to websites? And check back next week for my Ten Beach Reads and since I don't read contemporary lol I don't have any so this will be a tens list of my upcoming TBR books I would definitely read at the beach!



  1. Red Queen was fun enough while reading it, but it certainly wasn't original or unique, but the sequel just didn't have what I did actually like about the first book....

    Check out my TTT.

  2. Your honesty is refreshing and it makes me laugh to see how many books your currently can't stand.
    Here is my TTT

  3. I'm definitely with you on the Twilight books. I think I'd rate them completely differently these days.

  4. I think it's funny how our views of a book change. I liked Illuminae but didn't love it, but now I'm waiting for Gemina so much that maybe i liked it more than i thought I did? And I was wondering about Forbidden Wish as I liked two of her other books, and Wish seemed such a departure.

  5. I still hope to read Illuminae someday but your thoughts make me glad I never picked up The Red Queen (I may still eventually) and Tiger Lily (which I have considered reading several times). The Winner's Curse trilogy gets so much love that it's nice to see some differing opinions. Thanks for sharing your list!

  6. wow so many of these I would like to read. I see tons of people putting twilight on their list. I get there are better written stories but I just love the way it made me feel at the time I read it and I will always cherish my time with them. yup just a tad crazy.

  7. I totally agree with Red Queen. I really liked it right after I finished it, but I've started to like it less and less since then. I plan on reading the sequel to see if I like it or not.

    Check out my TTT

    Lizzie @ Big Books and Grande Lattes

  8. I just read Red Queen last week, and I was really looking forward to the sequel, but I've seen so many negative things about it. :( I feel pretty much the exact same way you do about Twilight, but today's TTT seems to reveal that lots of people feel that way. Great list!

    My TTT!


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