
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday (56)- My Top Ten Historical Settings I Love/ Ten Historical Settings I'd Love To See.

Hi thanks for stopping by!!! And welcome to my Top 10 Tuesday post! 

Thanks to the lovely ladies at The Broke And The Bookish for creating this weekly meme!

Here's this week's topic.

February 2: Top Ten Historical Settings You Love/ Ten Historical Settings You'd Love To See.

I went with historical. Some of these may have been done before but I would like to see them again. Especially in YA these are all ideas for YA books.

1. The Roaring 20's it's been done before but not really in YA. I'd love to see more of this.

2. Ancient Egypt. Yes it's been done but not enough IMO.

3. The 1940's especially WWII.

4. The 1980's yes this actually counts as historical now. Wow I feel old.

5. I need MOAR Imperial Russia! This one is starting to become popular but I need more!

6. Late 1400's especially in Italy and France. Maybe some Borgia stories!

7. Ancient Greece and Rome. Lets get some YA stories about Athens or Sparta or Spartacus or Julius Caesar stories! Or the peloponnesian wars!

8. 1400's Romania, Transylvania, & Wallachia. Yes I want more Vlad the Impaler inspired stories like Kiersten White's!

9. California Gold Rush. We're barely scratching the surface on this one and I see so much potential. 

10. The Great Depression.

So what about you? What would be some historical genres you'd like to see done? And check back next week for my Top Ten Valentine's day books I will be doing swoon worthy reads!



  1. Great choices this week! I also really enjoy reading about World War II.

  2. Great choices, I love reading about all historical settings. I would love to read a book about the flower power era.

  3. I will take all of the YA novels about Spartacus. All of them.

  4. I agree about how Imperial Russia is becoming a trendy setting. I'd love to see more Russian historicals set in earlier eras. I write Russian historical myself, though I do 20th and late 19th century. One setting I'd really love to see more of is Heian Japan.

  5. Love your list! Ancient Egypt and Imperial Russia were on my list too! I'm obsessed and can't get enough!

    Lizzie @

  6. Some great choices on your list!
    My TTT:

  7. Awesome picks! I wish there were more books set in Ireland; any period would do.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian


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