
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Top 10 of 2015 Day 2- Best Book Covers of 2015 and A Giveaway!

Welcome to day 2! Today’s topic is Best Book Covers of 2015 (MUST be a book released in 2015. Would be best if it's a book you've READ in 2015, but it's not required) and this year High Fantasy Covers take the cake in the beauty department!

And make sure to stop by my co-hosts sites Fiktshun, Tales of a Ravenous Reader, and Magical Urban Fantasy Reads for their lists! Oh and make sure to sign up with the linky to share your lists! And today is my giveaway day so make sure to read the whole post and enter below! 

I read and loved all the books on this list. I'm not going to go into why I love these covers I'm just going to let their beauty speak for themselves!


2. THE IMMORTAL HEIGHTS by Sherry Thomas.

3. MECHANICA by Betsy Cornwell.

4. AN EMBER IN THE ASHES by Sabaa Tahir.

6. A WICKED THING by Rhiannon Thomas.

7. SEEKER by Arwen Elys Dayton.

8. THE SIN EATER'S DAUGHTER by Melinda Salisbury.

9. PERSUASION by Martina Boone.

10. ILLUMINAE by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman.

Did any of my favorites make your list? Fill out the linky and let me know! And good luck with the giveaway!

And remember to stop by my co-hosts sites for their lists!

Today is my giveaway day and I have decided to do 2 giveaways!!

Giveaway details;

1 winner will receive a pre-order of a 2016 book of their choice (limit $25) US only.

1 winner will receive a box of 2016 ARC's. (US Only)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Mechanica is so beautiful!! I would buy the book just for the cover. And to read of course ;)
    AEITA is a fantastic book with a fantastic cover. I love that book so much. It actually got me back into reading anything dystopian, paranormal and fantasy since I was in a contemporary binge that lasted months and this book got me back into these other genres even though it only applies to one. I still need to read Illuminae but I just want a physical copy of this book so I can enjoy it better. I have Compulsion and I LOVE the cover! I haven't read it either so obviously I haven't read Persuasion. I hope I get to these soon.

  2. Wow, those are some super gorgeous covers! Amazing picks!

  3. A Wicked Thing made my list too! I am so in love with that cover. I also love the cover for Ten Thousand Skies Above You.

  4. There were so many beautiful covers this year! So much cover love. I also have A Wicked Thing on my list, I thought the cover was stunning and original. The book was amazing too!

  5. I had 2 1/2 of the same books on my list :) The 1/2 book is for Persuasion b/c I WAS going to put that on my list but I ended up leaving it off. I'm giving myself 1/2 credit (ha!). But I think my favorite of the entire year is Ten Thousand, easily. I love the eclectic color choices!

    Great list!!!

  6. I had a bunch that were the same. I almost put Sin Eater's Daughter on my list but liked the second cover more so that is making mine next year for sure.

  7. This is a great list! I love all the covers for Sherry Thomas' series and I have to read these books soon!

  8. Well, we matched up on four! Illuminae, Mechanica, An Ember in the Ashes and of course, Ten Thousand Skies above you. So many favorites this year.

  9. That's so hard! I really like The Dead House by Dawn Kurtagich. It was the perfect mixture of artistic and super creepy.

  10. Claudia Gray, Sabaa Tahir, Melinda Salisbury, and Amie Kaufman/Jay Kristoff all made my list! You also have some gorgeous ones that didn't make mine but probably should have! ;)

  11. I could never pick one... I actually cheated while trying to pick 10!! LOL Your picks are definitely gorgeous!! Of your picks, my favorite is The Immortal Heights. I'm in love with that cover. <3

  12. I so agree with you about THE SIN EATER'S DAUGHTER! Such a pretty cover. I hate how they changed the font in the UK to bad handwriting instead of the gorgeous font the US one has.

    Agh, you and many others are making me kick myself for not reading ILLUMINAE yet!

    1. Also, I totally forgot to mention it but my favorite cover of 2016 is probably EVERYTHING EVERYTHING by Nicola Yoon!

  13. Sin Eater's Daughter and Illuminae were both on my list. I also had Ten Thousand Skies Above You and An Ember in the Ashes as honorable mentions since I haven't read them yet. Mechanical and Perilous Journey are freaking gorgeous!

  14. Wonderful picks for covers. Some covers that have stuck with me this year where Taken by Desire by Valerie Twombly, Marked by an Assassin by Felicity Heaton, & Searing Ecstasy by Setta Jay.

  15. Great picks! So many pretties :) And yes, we share a couple, and I almost put a few of the others on my list, too.

  16. GREAT choices, Jaime! I had a couple of these on my list too!

    Check out my Top Ten HERE:

  17. My favorite cover of 2015 is A Nearer Moon by Melanie Crowder. It's a middle grade fantasy. Besides the beautiful cover image, the hardcover has this really pretty metalic-like sparkle. It's a bit hard to describe, but it's very pretty. I absolutely loved the cover on first sight.

  18. Ten Thousand Skies Above You and An Ember in the Ashes also made my list! ❤

  19. I LOVE Sherry Thomas' covers. All of them. They are so stunning to look at! I do believe the only one we have in common is Illuminae, which I'm currently reading right now. But you do have some stunning covers up there (I just didn't read them)

  20. I would choose Ice Like Fire's cover. Your picks are all on my list.

  21. So hard to pick, but probably all of the books in the Kanin Chronicles.

  22. There were SO many gorgeous covers this year - it's impossible to choose just one! I absolutely love the covers for Ensnared and Untamed by A.G. Howard, so maybe those.

  23. OMG lol I do not have the same covers as Mindy or Nancy. Maybe 1 in common with each list? And lol I read Sin Eater's Daughter in 2014 so I couldn't pick it - and I think I totally forgot it was a 2015 release! :( But that's a gorgeous cover. And I have Mechanica as an honorable, same with The Immortal Heights. So ours are somewhat similar. Though I kind of went a totally different direction this year. But you have 3 covers with "yellow" in them and I'm really particular about yellow covers when they're mixed with other colors so I tend to shy away from yellow as a favorite. And OMG my 2016 covers are all going to have SHIPS in them!

    1. And meant to add that I do love SEEKER's cover!

  24. OMG! I've never seen the Statham book before, but I do like that cover! Excellent choices, Jaime. My favorite cover would probably be... hmm. Illusionarium's, maybe. I absolutely adore the cover!

    Thank you! :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  25. Yay for such pretty book covers. <3 Thank you for sharing your favorites sweetie :) Ahh, The Immortal Heights. <3 I love it SO MUCH too. Gorgeous :D

  26. The Sin Eater's Daughter has an immensely cool cover!

  27. I have a lot but Illuminae, Ten Thousand Skies and Mechanica made my list!

  28. My favorite cover was White Trash Zombie Gone Wild. I'm a huge fan of Dan Dos Santos (as you can tell from my list of best covers which has four of his covers on them).

    You had some great covers too, but I haven't read any of those books. I'll have to check them out.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens.

  29. I loved the cover of Winter -- simple, but bold.

  30. I really like the cover for Ten Thousand Skies Above You defiantly in my top 10.

  31. I honestly love Menagerie because it's so different and it fits the theme of the book


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