
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday (45)- My Top Ten Author Duos You'd LOVE To See Write A Book Together

Hi thanks for stopping by!!! And welcome to my Top 10 Tuesday post! 

Thanks to the lovely ladies at The Broke And The Bookish for creating this weekly meme!

Here's this week's topic.

October 13: Top Ten Author Duos You'd LOVE To See Write A Book Together 

There's a ton of authors that I can think of for this lol

1. Tahereh Mafi and Ransom Riggs. They may be married but they need to write a book together. :)
2. Dan and Robinson Wells. I'd love to see what this team of brothers would come up with!
3. Maria V. Snyder and Rae Carson. With the amazing world building and compelling characters they both write. These two could write one EPIC high fantasy together!
4. Sabaa Tahir and Renee Ahdieh.I think these two besties could write an amazing story!
5. Claudia Gray and Dan Wells (yes he's on the list twice lol) I bet these 2 could write one amazing sci-fi with dual POV's!
6. Cat Winters and Katherine Longshore. I bet these two ladies could write an amazing historical series together!
7. A.G. Howard and Marie Rutkoski. With these 2 writing together I think we could have one hell of a fantastic fantasy.
8. Kresley Cole and Gena Showalter. These two together could write a paranormal series (YA, NA, or Adult) that would probably be the best paranormal series ever.
9. Sarah J. Maas and Susan Dennard. Yes I know they have an online sci-fi serial but I'd like to see them write a book or a series for print.
10. Julie Kagawa and Melissa Marr. These two would make fae magic together :)

So what about you? What authors would you like to see write a book together? And come back next week for my 10 Wishes I'd Ask The Book Genie To Grant Me.



  1. My #1 and your #1 are the same, but no others. I liked some of the choices. Especially Maria and Rae, that would be a great book!!!

  2. I like Cat Winters so I bet you picked her a good partner.
    My TTT

  3. Great choices! Tahereh Mafi/Ransom Riggs and Sarah J Maas/Susan Dennard seem to be a popular choice this week. Both combinations would be amazing.

  4. It's been fun seeing which authors other bloggers are pairing up!! Nice list of authors you've selected.

    Here's a link to my TTT for this week:

  5. I've been seeing Sarah J. Maas and Susan Dennard on many list today! Great list! Happy Reading!
    Please see mine if you would like,

  6. I've got the Riggs/Mafi combo on my list! They're adorable. I haven't read a lot of these other authors but they're on my TBR (eventually). Great list! Here's mine:

  7. Totally agree with Mafi and Riggs. Fingers crossed it happens sometime soon!

    My TTT

  8. I'd love to see Sarah and Susan publish a book together! They're both amazing! You have some great duos on your list!

    My TTT

    Lizzie @ Big Books and Grande Lattes

  9. Please make Kagawa and Marr happen! I want it now :)

    My TTT

  10. I saw #1 on a lot of lists this week! I bet it would sell out before it even released lol My TTT


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