
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Blog Tour- VESSEL by Lisa T. Cresswell Playlist and A Giveaway!

Hey y'all it's VESSEL's release day! I have an awesome playlist from VESSEL by Lisa T. Cresswell! Oh and make sure to stick around for the giveaway!

Haven't heard of VESSEL? Check it out!

Author: Lisa T. Cresswell
Pub. Date: May 26, 2015
Publisher: Month9Books, LLC.
Pages: 300
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Find it: Goodreads|
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The sun exploded on April 18, 2112. It exploded in a Class X solar storm the likes of which humankind had never seen.

They had nineteen minutes.

Nineteen minutes until the geomagnetic wave washed over the Earth, frying every electrical device created by humans, blacking out entire continents, every satellite in their sky.

Nineteen minutes to say goodbye to the world they knew, forever, and to prepare for a new Earth, a new Sun.

Generations after solar storms have destroyed nearly all human technology on Earth and humans have reverted to a middle ages like existence, all knowledge of the remaining technology is kept hidden by a privileged few called the Reticents and books are burned as heresy.

Alana, a disfigured slave girl, and Recks, a traveling minstrel and sometimes-thief, join forces to bring knowledge and books back to the human race. But when Alana is chosen against her will to be the Vessel, the living repository for all human knowledge, she must find the strength to be what the world needs.

Now on to the playlist! I've included videos for all of them.

Because Vessel is a dark, dystopian the playlist is rather on the dark side. If you’ve ever listened to Linkin Park’s album A Thousand Suns, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Two early tracks on the album, The Requiem, and Burning in the Skies, fit the novel perfectly. It’s just the right amount of creepy, eerie oppression. Here’s a sample of lyrics from The Requiem:

God save us everyone
When we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns
For the sins of our hand
Sins of our tongue
The sins of our fathers
The sins of our young

The song wasn’t the inspiration for the Reticent religion in Vessel, but it hits the mark pretty darn close. In Vessel, the oppressive Reticents convince most common folks that Mother Sun will burn them if they commit any further sins against her.

Burning in the Skies has the same mournful feel and fits the story well.

But Alana’s theme is more hopeful. It’s a piece by Yo-Yo Ma, the famous cellist, and the Silk Road Ensemble called Distant Green Valley.   It’s a beautiful string instrumental piece that evokes Alana’s Asian background and reminds me of her longing to return to her homeland in the novel.  I also love Enchantment by Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble, but it’s terribly short. I guess I just love that Eastern sounding music for this book. Think Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon sound track. J

The Evanescence song Bring Me to Life evokes the love between Alana and Recks perfectly, as he awakens hopes and passions in her she’s never dared feel before and brings her back to life with his love.

So there you have it! My Vessel playlist is all over the place! I hope readers let me know what songs they think should be added too.

Thanks Lisa!


Lisa, like most writers, began scribbling silly notes, stories, and poems at a very young age. Born in North Carolina, the South proved fertile ground to her imagination with its beautiful white sand beaches and red earth. In fifth grade, she wrote, directed and starred in a play “The Queen of the Nile” at school, despite the fact that she is decidedly un-Egyptian looking. Perhaps that’s why she went on to become a real life archaeologist?
Unexpectedly transplanted to Idaho as a teenager, Lisa learned to love the desert and the wide open skies out West. This is where her interest in cultures, both ancient and living, really took root, and she became a Great Basin archaeologist. However, the itch to write never did leave for long. Her first books became the middle grade fantasy trilogy, The Storyteller Series. Her first traditionally published work, Hush Puppy, is now available from Featherweight Press.
Lisa still lives in Idaho with her family and a menagerie of furry critters that includes way too many llamas!

Connect with the Author:  Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads

Giveaway Information:  Winner will be drawn June 26, 2015

·        Five (5) winners will receive a digital copy of Vessel by Lisa T. Cresswell (INT)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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