
Friday, August 30, 2013

Authors Are Rockstars- Heather Brewer is my Rockstar and check out her Giveaway!

I am so happy to be hosting Heather Brewer today she is the fantastic author of the Slayer Chronicles, the Vladimir Tod Chronicles and also the High Fantasy series the Legacy of Tril which is my personal favorite! Book 2 can't come fast enough!

Why is Heather a rockstar? Why not is the question! She always talks to her fans (they call her Auntie Heather), has awesome giveaways and makes the funniest Vlogs! She also puts up with my constant rambling/complaining about Trill and when book 2 is coming out.

Ok so I'm turning this over to Heather to talk about why she thinks authors are Rockstars!

Authors are rockstars.

I've heard that quite a bit in recent years, Minions. And I've come to really appreciate those rockstar moments. Nothing gets me through a day filled with cat boxes, dust bunnies, and deadlines like the memory of walking into a school gym full of screaming teenagers. Nothing can push away a low self-esteem day like the happy recalling of being asked to autograph a fan's book...or baby (which I'm super proud to admit totally happened). In fact, take away those stardom moments and an author's life can be pretty lonely. Mostly, we stay at home (preferably in jammie pants), and write. It's an existence full of solitude...not that solitude is a bad thing.

But being alone can sometimes mean that we authors get lonely, as any person would. And when we do, we reach out through various means (I loves me some Twitter) to touch someone else, to make a connection, to do something to dispel the loneliness that has befallen us. When I reach out, I largely reach out to my Minions. You guys get me. You understand who I am and what I'm about. And when I need a shoulder, you're always happy to lean over and offer me one. But today I want to talk about the other people that I can count on. Today I want to talk about my fellow YA authors.

You see, I was a lonely child growing up. Never mind that I had four siblings and too many cousins to count, all within about a fifty mile radius. I was lonely. And I was bullied. And I was convinced that I was entirely unlikeable.

Sometimes I am still convinced that I am unlikeable. But that's okay. Because during those moments of loneliness, of low self-esteem, I know that I can pull a book from my bookshelf and lose myself in another world, and that in that journey to another place, I will come to understand a special place in another author's mind. And through that, we will bond. I may never meet them. We may never speak in person or tweet back and forth, but I know that we share a connection. We share a story, and that brings me out of my lonely place and back to thinking that maybe I am not so unlikeable after all. And when I do that--when I read a book and feel a connection with its author--I realize that I am not just an author. I am a reader. I am a fan. And I am not alone.

When I go to events that I am not presenting at, and I see the author walk into the room, I grin. I'm so excited to meet them, so thrilled to know that I will soon have my book autographed by them. It's a magical moment, and I love that feeling. When I meet an author that I truly admire, it makes me feel less lonely in this big, wide world. It makes me feel less like a freak and more like an awesome person--a person who shares a secret with an author, with a rockstar.

Because, yeah, authors are rockstars. But not because of the screaming teens who await their arrival. Not because of the autographs and praise and movies on the big screen. Authors are rockstars because of how they make you feel when you're feeling so unlikeable.

At least, that's what they are to me.

About Heather:
Heather Brewer was not your typical teen growing up. She wore black, danced under full moons and devoured every book in sight.

She hasn’t changed much.

Today, Heather can be found wandering cemeteries, lounging on her coffin couch, devouring every book in sight, and attending renaissance faire in costume (and in character). 

When Heather's not writing, dressing up, or reading, she's hanging out with her 

Minions, whom she adores right down to their lil black hearts.

Heather is the author of The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod, The Slayer Chronicles, and The Legacy of Tril series. She's penned several short stories, consumes entirely too much caffeine, and will not stop until she has achieved world domination in the name of her Minion Horde.

Find Her

Also check out Heather's Blog she has an EPIC Giveaway going on right now! And I have a Giveaway for an ARC of Third Strike! Simply comment below with your email address and why you'd like the book and you'll be entered! US Only ends September 6th!

Heather's Books!

hathor1309's Heather Brewer album on Photobucket


  1. I LOVE these books! It's nice to see the awesome Heather Brewer visit your blog!

    Sarah @ Kitties Like Books Too

  2. I absolutely love Auntie Heather, I can't wait foe Third Strike!
    -Scott Reads It

  3. I love your books Auntie Heather. I love that Vlad is not some sexed up vampire, despite being who he is, he is just a normal, somewhat geeky guy. His and Henry's antics always make me smile. Cheers for making a relate-able protagonist.

  4. i just love heather brewer and try to see here whenever she is in town. would love to read this book. it looks soooo good! thank you! nitelitebookreviews @ gmail . com

  5. I love when I can see Auntie Heather in person!!! She's so very inspirational! I've been following her from the very beginning and seen her rise in fame, and have loved her books, each one, for their fantastic worlds that they offer to come into and it's so amazing! I have entered her contests before (to get an ARC) but never actually won. I would love love LOVE to get an advanced reading copy of the last book concerning Vlad/Joss. That would be so awesome if I received this ARC!!! Please!!! ( <3 :3

  6. I love Heather Brewer and her books so much because I can relate to what she writes about, having been bullied myself most of my life. Her books have inspired me to write some stories myself. Winning this ARC would mean so much to me and more so because the contest happens to end three days after my birthday and it would be the most amazing birthday present ever!

  7. I just really love Heather Brewer. I found her book series whenever I was in my time of darkness and she opened up a light in the dark. I would love to read this one definitely C:

  8. I love this whole series, and the author is so cool! I can't wait to read what happens next.
    buffywnabe at gmail dot com

  9. Sorry if this gets posted twice it seems like my comment may have dissapeared. But I would just like to say that auntie Heather has changed my life with all of her books I found the Tod books when i was in a very low point in my life and they helped pull me out of the darkness I was lost in. So I just want to say thank you to Mrs. Brewer for letting me into her world it saved mine. I hope to someday share her novels with my son when he is a little older my email is

  10. I love CoVT so much, and I've had the most wonderful time reading the Slayer Chronicles and seeing everything from Joss's perspective. It was a wonderful choice of Auntie Heather's to write the parallel series!

  11. I haven't read any of Heather's books yet, which book should be my first?

  12. I need a new book to read and I have been waiting very impatiently for Third Strike to come out! Seeing Heather Brewer's posts on Facebook every day makes me smile, but her writing makes me even happier.

  13. I'd love to have an ARC of Third Strike, for I am anticipating and curious how Auntie Heather will close up the world of Vladimir Tod forever. Her stories are epic, and though I don't want to say goodbye, I know it will be an amazing read. That, and I have several friends who would enjoy to borrow it, after I read it first. xD Also, you can never have too many books, right? :P

    My email is


    I want this ARC of Third Strike because Heather Brewer is my hero. I love her books! I feel understanding from her! She inspires me to write and love myself and the world every day. Not to mention that I can't wait until February!

    -Ashley Dewey

  15. I would love the ARC of Third Strike because I love Heather Brewer's books and I would love to get to read Third Strike!!
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

    I really wanna win her book because I have been reading Heather Brewer books for 5+ years

  17. I adore Heather (I'm totally bias though ;) ). I loved The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod but Joss is the book that stuck with me. As much as I did love Vlad, Joss is the boy I connect with. Heather and I like to call Joss my secret boyfriend (so getting an ARC with my boy in it would be excellent ;) ).

    E-mail address: kate_reads(at)

    -Kate Tilton


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