
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

BBAW Day 3- What does Blogging Mean to Me?

Wow! What does book blogging mean to me? It actually means a lot!

Book blogging means I get to share my crazy rambling posts about books I love with people that actually read them! It also means that I have found my place, my home….

I've met some of my best friends blogging. They’ve become better friends than one’s I’ve known for years. Quite simply because they get me. They get my passion for books and my need to discuss books and characters until I’m blue in the face. My friends in real life for the most part don’t get that. There are a few but they’re rare.

Also without book blogging I wouldn’t have the amazing job I have. I never would’ve thought of a looking for a job in the publishing field let alone actually getting one. I’ve never been happier! Not once in my life have I had a “job” before that I could say that I loved until now.

What does book blogging mean to you?


  1. I don't think they're crazy rambling. Passionately, enthusiastically rambling but they are so addictive. And it's so true, it feels like home.

    Totally agree about the friends in blogging who just "get" you. It's really nice to find people who don't roll their eyes when you start mentioning a book's title.

    And huge congratulations on the job! It's a perfect fit!

  2. whoop whoop . hugss . i agree none of my real friends get me

    congrats on the job

  3. I completely agree. I love the community, and it's great finding like-minded people to chit-chat about our love of characters and books and authors with. :P I don't get that around me in real life and even though it makes me sad at times, I at least know I have a virtual "home away from home" with the book blogging community. ^^


  4. Beautiful blog and wonderful answer. Mine is similar.

    To me, blogging is all about the wonderful bloggers who make it happen. Stop by to see my post if you like.

    Have a fun day.

    Silver's Reviews

  5. That's how I feel as well, like I've found my home :) I love your answer!
    The Relentless Reader

  6. I totally agree with you :) I've really found my passion for all things book through blogging and I've made so many great friends who share that passion. It's really amazing :)

    Literary Exploration

  7. Home. That's exactly how I feel about blogging. It's like coming home. :-)

  8. Love it! I totally agree!!! And you did get an awesome job out of it. :)

  9. Thanks everyone! Love you guys :D


  10. Totally agree with you! When I discovered book bloggers, it felt like I had found my home! :)

    Alexia's Books and Such...

  11. I am so glad that you book blog, because you are one of my favorite blogs!

    Lindy Gomez


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