
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Jaime's Review of Hallowed by Cynthia Hand

From Goodreads.
For months part-angel Clara Gardner trained to face the raging forest fire from her visions and rescue the alluring and mysterious Christian Prescott from the blaze. But nothing could prepare her for the fateful decisions she would be forced to make that day, or the startling revelation that her purpose—the task she was put on earth to accomplish—is not as straightforward as she thought. Now, torn between her increasingly complicated feelings for Christian and her love for her boyfriend, Tucker, Clara struggles to make sense of what she was supposed to do the day of the fire. And, as she is drawn further into the world of part angels and the growing conflict between White Wings and Black Wings, Clara learns of the terrifying new reality that she must face: Someone close to her will die in a matter of months. With her future uncertain, the only thing Clara knows for sure is that the fire was just the beginning.

Jaime’s review….

Some people say it’s not good to let your personal feelings get in the way when reviewing a book. I am not one of those people and if I’m feeling a certain way when I’m reading it sometimes makes the reading experience more pleasurable. With this book I think I was crying or sad for the last half of it. I had a family member pass a couple months ago so knowing there was going to be a death even if I didn’t know who was going to die, it kind of set up my mood for the book. That being said I really loved the Hallowed it was actually really perfect for my mood I needed a good cry. Now this may not be what most people feel I saw comments in my goodreads feed and they couldn’t understand why I was so sad most people just weren’t in the mood I was in when they read it.

On to the good stuff Clara has some tough times in this one and believe it or not I actually (Team Tucker don’t kill me!) found myself rooting for Christian. He was there all the time where Tucker was I wouldn’t say MIA but, he wasn’t around as much as I would have liked him to have been. They learn so much more about each other it became hard not to see why Clara and Christian belonged together also his deep green eyes probably helped convince me. There didn’t seem to be very much action in this one more story getting us ready for book 3 I suppose but, it didn’t seem to matter I got wrapped up  easily in the story and found myself reading late into the night. We get to meet Clara’s dad in this one and I think besides the Christian scenes he was one of my favorite additions to the book. The bad guy (the Dark Wing) to me became not so bad when you figured out his motives I actually felt bad for the guy. I wanted to kick Clara’s brother Jeffrey’s butt he was such a jerk but I guess he had his reasons as well.

So the quote I chose for this one will probably make the Team Tucker fans mad at me but I really can’t help it. I wouldn’t say I’ve converted to Team Christian I just have a new appreciation of him now.

He pulls me to my feet. “I didn’t know at first, how I felt about it. I didn’t want to be forced, you know? I wanted it to be my choice. But every time I’m around you, it feels right,” he says “I feel stronger. Braver, even. I feel the glory inside me, this power moving through me. I feel like I could do anything, face anything. With you”

Ok stop swooning there’s a lot more of this and not just the Christian moments the one’s with Tuck in there are very swoon worthy and sweet too.

Hallowed comes out January 17th so go to Amazon, Barnes& Noble, or the Book Depository to pre-order it and make sure you take a look at Cynthia’s website too!

A huge thank you to Harper Teen for the Advanced Readers Copy!


  1. Ok..... I am so reading Unearthly now! It's high time I picked it up!!

    Krazyyme @ Young Readers

  2. Haha definitely! I loved Unearthly and Hallowed :D


  3. OH MY GOSH! Who dies?!!? And *SLAP* how could you root for Christian?! My poor Tuck! Ahh! I'm extremely scared to read this now. *bites nails anxiously*

    GAAH! I'm still super excited for it though! And i can't wait to meet Clara's dad! Great review Jaime!!

  4. Great Review! And love that quote. I think even many Team Tucker would have to keep an open mind and would be surprised in seeing a new appreciation for Christian.

    You just can't not love him in this book. We understand him a lot more than we did in Unearthly.

    I loved Clara's dad too. That was a surprise I didn't see coming.

    Jen @ Addicted to Words Reviews

  5. I read Unearthly in 1 sitting and I'm hoping Hallowed will be as good and make me stay up until 3am just to finish reading.

  6. I think I'll come back to read your review after I've read this one myself.

    Magical Urban Fantasy Reads


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