Thursday, May 26, 2011
Jaime's Review of Released by Megan Duncan
After a demon apocalypse kills their parents and everyone they know, 17-year old Abby Phillips, her brother, Carter, and friend, Max flee their home to travel through what has become the wastelands of America. When radio transmissions of a resistance offering shelter and safety cease, Abby is tempted to give up. Struggling to overcome life-threatening obstacles in their dangerous journey, Abby and her companions quickly discover there are much worse things lurking in the dark than they could have ever imagined. Excerpt from Goodreads.
Jaime's review...
First I want to say I love reading Indie authors books and spreading the love especially when the books is as well written as Released. Megan takes dystopian to a different level.
The MC Abby is a truly kick ass girl who's not afraid to get dirty or shoot something in the face if need be and I really liked that about her. She also had times of vulnerability that I thought were very true to her character. One cannot be strong all the time. I also loved that even during a demon apocalypse she made the time to paint her nails I know its trivial but it was something she needed to do to calm her nerves. I also really adored Max he wanted to protect Abby at all cost including sacrificing his own life. I did find her brother Carter to be a bit arrogant and annoying but maybe that was just me.
I really enjoyed Megan's take on the dystopian genre with the baddies being demons from hell instead of zombies or human factions. I also liked the way she described the creatures as birds, hounds, bear like creatures, and little gremlins. She also did throw a cult in the story for good measure. This was definitely a fast read that flowed easily. I found myself feeling for Abby and her band of travelling friends hoping and crossing my fingers that they found what they were looking for at the end of the transmission. The ending definitely had a cliffhanger that made me want the second book right now. So if you enjoy a world filled with demons, kick ass heroines, and hot boys I suggest you get Released! Go download it for your Kindle or Nook. There's also paperback versions available.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Cover Reveal The Onyx Talisman
Today is an awesome day! We were chosen to be one of the blogs to help Brenda Pandos reveal the cover for her final book in the Talisman series. Why is that awesome you ask? We absolutely love this series and looking forward to reading The Onyx Talisman!! So without further delay *Drum roll*......
Isn't it beautiful? Below is some information for the third and final book warning there are spoilers so if you haven't read the first two don't look below! You can stare at the cover all you like though lol :D
Want to know more? Check out Brenda’s blog at: The Onyx Talisman, third and final book in the Talisman trilogy.
Isn't it beautiful? Below is some information for the third and final book warning there are spoilers so if you haven't read the first two don't look below! You can stare at the cover all you like though lol :D
Publisher: Obsidian Mountain Publishing
Tentative Release Date: 11/16/2011
Follow Brenda on Facebook:
Twitter: @brendapandos
All was perfect in Julia’s life until Nicholas had his vampire blood-lust activated by his mother Alora, her immortal enemy, turning him evil and bent on revenge. Heartbroken and out of choices, Phil and Julia ran away in the middle of the night, with Scarlett on foot, to Orange County to warn and plead Nicholas’ Godfather for help. Once arriving at Harry’s though, the local coven accosted them and they narrowly escaped.
After they returned home, there was a huge showdown between Phil, Nicholas, Scarlett, Alora, Katie and Julia. Alora almost got what she wanted—Julia’s vampire warding talisman—but Preston, Nicholas’ father, and Harry came to the rescue. They escorted Nicholas and Alora back to Beverly Hills, pledging to return Nicholas free from his blood-lust. But all Julia’s received in the past four months is a letter stating Nicholas missed her along with some song lyrics and promise of a quick return. That was a month ago.
Now Julia awaits Nicholas’ return with the Fab Five Coven: Phil and Katie—the sober vampires, Scarlett—the half-vamp/shape-shifter, and Tyler and Julia—the inducted humans. She’s stuck in Scotts Valley with Phil as her self-appointed chaperon and no way to return to Los Angeles to check on Nicholas. Only Scarlett and Julia know her fate ultimately involves the demise of all vampires, possibly including the ones she loves. When the time comes, will she even have a choice?
Find out in the final installment of the bestselling Talisman Series November 16, 2011!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Writing contest that will help Japan
Hello everyone! I hope you all are having a great day! Today I'm doing a post for the amazing TLT Publishing they are hosting a short story contest. When they select winners they will be put into a book and a portion of the proceeds will go to the support relief in Japan!
Here's all the information I hope you all enter it's a great way to get your writing out there and support a country in need.
New Beginings
TLT is calling out for submissions to our very first short story contest!! The TLT staff will choose the top 10 stories to be published in an anthology. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the book will go to support the relief efforts in Japan.
Here's all the information I hope you all enter it's a great way to get your writing out there and support a country in need.
New Beginings
TLT is calling out for submissions to our very first short story contest!! The TLT staff will choose the top 10 stories to be published in an anthology. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the book will go to support the relief efforts in Japan.
- Our theme is “new beginnings,” in honor of our charity. YOU choose the genre- horror, fantasy, romance, etc. We’re looking for creativity and unique incorporations of the theme.
- We are seeking original entries that are between 15 and 20 pages long. Double-spaced. Times New Roman. Include your contact information (name, email and mailing address), as well as a short autobiography. Make this fun- if your story is chosen for publication, your bio will also be printed. It should be no more than one paragraph (6-10 lines).
- Please submit a polished, final copy of your piece. Have family and friends edit your story, because all work will be published as is.Submissions should be written in a Word document and sent as an attachment to Write “Short Story Contest” in the subject line.
- All entries will receive a TLT bookmark and will be notified when the winners have been selected.
- Contest runs until June 1st. Top stories will be selected by the TLT team by the middle of June.
- Author of the best story will have his or her story posted on TLT blog and will receive free autographed copies of every book we publish until the end of 2011.
- Authors of the top 10 stories will receive a complimentary copy of the anthology and recognition on the TLT website.
- Proceeds from the sale of the book will go to help fund the relief efforts in Japan. All content, upon submission, can be distributed and used for promotional purposes by TLT without author permission or compensation.